Category: Spirituality

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

get more out of your psychic reading

How to get the most out of your psychic reading

How can you get more out of your psychic reading? Sarah discusses some best practices and explains the difference between psychic readings, mediumship readings, and past life or Akashic Records Readings.

human design manifestor

How To know If I’m a Human Design Manifestor?

Think of your Human Design Chart as a big clock with two snapshots in time.  One 88 days before you were born, and the other when you were actually born.

Your Gates, Chakras, Planetary influences, Life Force Channels, and Codons 88 days before your birth are considered to be your Design.  This Design can reveal your subconscious motivations, purpose, and focus in this life.

human design readings

How does your Aura work?

Like many people, my first experience of seeing my aura was with a photograph.  I have this blobby photograph of my aura from years ago in a drawer somewhere!

It was interesting at the time, but I can’t really remember much about it.  How can learning about auras really be helpful to us?

There is so much information out there on the spiritual journey, it’s hard to know sometimes what to work on next!

A few months ago, I decided to get my Human Design Chart and see how it relates to all the spiritual and energetic practices I have researched and embodied over the last 20 years.

It turns out, Human Design is a great system to help us understand our Auras, and what happens when we merge our energy with other people.

Human Design can also help us validate our personality and our natural inclinations.

healer in a past life

3 Signs You Were a Healer in a Past Life How to Know

Do you ever wonder if you were a healer in a past life? It’s more common than people think, because in the past healers came in all shapes and sizes, and their abilities to help people were not limited to having a medical degree.

life lessons

3 examples of Life Lessons and how can they help you

What are life lessons? In this post Sarah goes deeper into the nature of life lessons, and how they can help us to evolve and grow from the Soul level perspective.

soul level perspectives

How to learn more about Soul Levels of Consciousness

How can we shift our perspectives more easily? A little help from our Soul level perspective can change our view of the world in extremely helpful ways.

what is my soul purpose

What is my Soul Purpose? Learn to tune into your Soul’s energy

What is my Soul Purpose? This question is one of the most common questions I get from new clients.

One of the ways to get closer to the answer is to have a Soul Purpose Reading with Sarah. This post throws a spotlight on the reading to help you understand how it works. Learning about our Soul Purpose can take time because it’s a complex question.

However, locating certain types of information is extremely straightforward if you know how!

Starseed Oracle Card Deck Review – unusual box and beautiful cards

The Starseed Oracle card deck is a beautiful deck with a high vibrational feel.

This deck is appropriate for meditative work as well as divination work, such as client readings or Akashic Records work.

Check out the blog post to learn more about this card deck. If you’d like a reading with Sarah and the Starseed Oracle card deck, just connect with her at the Client Portal by choosing Client Login from the menu.

Soul Contracts

Soul Contracts in the Akashic Records – a good decision?

The book The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Akashic Record: Tap into the Timeless Wisdom of the Universe (Complete Idiot’s Guides (Lifestyle Paperback)) talks about Soul Mates and Soul Contracts, and how they are together for a reason.

This book has some surprisingly useful information in it, despite the title!  It covers Soul Mates being together under the following circumstances:-

Soul Mates
Twin Souls
Unrequited Love
Difficult Relationships
Lack of Relationship
Family Ties
Parents, Siblings, and Children.

Soul Contracts are pre-life agreements that result in the high likelihood of people meeting or even reincarnating together.  The reason that Souls connect through Soul Contracts is to work out karma and to grow as individual souls.

knitting for relaxation

Knitting For Meditation And Relaxation – How to De-Stress

Have you ever picked up knitting needles? For some, knitting can become a whole new way of viewing the world.

I began knitting as a way to recover from trauma and traumatic repeating visions. Over time, I have come to rely on this seemingly simple activity to think thinks through, become calm and to help myself ruminate over decision making. And sometimes, you end up with a beautiful end product! Or not – but it’s the process, not necessarily what you produce, that counts, with knitting. Read on to learn more….

spiritual gifts for Christmas

5 Spiritual Gifts for Christmas 2019

Are you looking for some spiritual gifts for Christmas, either for yourself or for other like-minded friends or family members? Then this list is for you!

However you celebrate the Christmas Season, (or even if you don’t), some of these ideas might help you to navigate the bumpy energy of this time of year. I hope you enjoy my top 10 list of Spiritual Christmas Gifts for 2019 and find some inspiration here.

kryon oracle cards

Kryon Oracle Cards Lee Carroll 44 Card Deck

Here’s my review of Kryon’s new Oracle Card deck by Lee Carroll.

It’s a 44 -card deck with beautiful illustrations by Deborah de Lisi and Andre Ferrella. The energy just bounces out of these cards!

Feel free to ask for one or more of these cards to be pulled during a general reading with me, or simply enjoy the cards as a meditative resource.