The Best Oracle Cards for Intuition – my top 5 favorites

On the spiritual journey, you may have acquired a deck (or two) of Tarot Cards or Oracle Cards. Here are my top 5 favorites, used within my own spiritual practice and with clients to expand our intuition.
Table of Contents
Table of contents
What is an Oracle Card Deck?
An Oracle Card deck is a set of cards that began in a similar format to Tarot Cards. They have some essential differences from Tarot Cards and may not follow the Major or Minor Arcana pattern sets as traditional Tarot Cards do.
Tarot Decks traditionally contain the same archetypal guides in every deck. Archetypes indicate what might be happening in our inner world and can be drawn to us as we select cards.
Some examples of well-known archetypes from the Tarot are the Empress, the Hierophant, and The Lovers.
The design of Tarot Decks follows a traditional pattern that was originally inspired by playing cards. A Tarot deck usually has a total of 78 cards, 22 in the Major Arcana of Archetypes, and 56 in the Minor Arcana, which are divided into the 4 suits.
Oracle card decks versus Tarot

Oracle Card decks can have wide-ranging influences. They call on widely different symbolic and spiritual archetypes. This is a different approach from the more traditional structure of Tarot Decks.
The first known Western oracle cards known as Lenormand decks, were inspired by the work of a famous fortune teller called Marie Anne Adelaide Le Normand (1772-1843).
Marie would use a combination of French Piquet Cards and a German 36-card deck. Her work and the readings she gave opened other readers to the concept of using symbolic archetypes on cards.
The number of modern Oracle decks has grown as human consciousness is expanding.
They are seen as a predictive tool by some. I find card deck work most helpful as a meditative tool on the spiritual journey. Card selections can be powerfully revealing of the inner mind.
Back to the best Oracle Cards for intuition – my top 5
I have 5 decks that I regularly use and love.
One of the main reasons all these decks attract me is that the energy or vibe they give off encourages deep contemplation, yet the cards are relatively easy to understand or to begin to interpret.
The card decks I use cover 5 areas of spiritual inquiry. This wide-ranging focus is helpful for personal growth and expansion.
Expanding your intuition
For this article, I chose Oracle card decks I have found to be most helpful with the expansion of intuition.
For these recommendations, I wanted to give you as wide a range of choices as possible.
My intent here is for you to begin to learn what you are attracted to and start the process of expanding your intuition with any choice that you make from this list.
The 5 areas of inquiry are: –
- The Akashic Records with the Akashic Tarot
- Starseed or Soul Group connection with The Starseed Oracle
- Earth-based or Shamanic Spiritual Guidance with Angels and Ancestors
- Mediumship and Talking to Loved Ones with The Spirit Messages deck
- Connection with the Universal Calibration Lattice, or Energy, with the Kryon Oracle Cards.
The Akashic Tarot card deck

You really can’t go wrong with any of the card decks by Sandra Anne Taylor. The Akashic Tarot deck is also written with her sister, Sharon Anne Klingler.
The Akashic Tarot deck is one of the best oracle decks for intuition since it provides us with two powerful tools for contemplation.
Firstly, the strength of the images allows us to step into them in our minds and to see what our personal Akashic Records have to say in response.
Secondly, I love the ‘Akashic Force’ affirmation on each card, which enables us to contemplate the message coming through the card in the form of suggested action to take.
Also, remember, any Akashic work you do will begin to expand your intuition bit by bit -it’s like a side effect of doing the work.
To see my more in-depth review of the Akashic Tarot deck, go here.
To see a New Moon Card Reading using the Akashic Tarot deck, go here>>
The Starseed Oracle Card Deck

Interested in the concept of being a Starseed? This Starseed Oracle card deck by Rebecca Campbell will introduce you to higher vibrational energies for sure.
Edgar Cayce, a famous medical intuitive and Akashic Records Reader, with 14,000 Akashic Records readings in total, found himself bumping up against the concept of Souls living lives in other star systems or even other galaxies.
It was apparent from clients’ Akashic Records that they had ‘lives between lives’ as he called it, even if he was only reading their energy from the perspective of advising them on their health and wellness.
The other energies just kept making themselves known.
This card deck takes us on an adventure of learning about Starseeds, or Soul Groups.
Opinion and our Third Eye
Whether you buy this concept or not – the key point with this card deck is that it is so mind-opening (and crown-opening!).
Why do we think we are the only race of beings in this vast expanse of space? What if we’re not?
This card deck allows you to explore these concepts as well as many mind-expanding ideas.
Learn about different ways of being and the potentials within different levels of consciousness with these beautifully visual cards and a detailed guidebook.
Becoming more open-minded and releasing beliefs and old ideas that no longer serve you will help you expand your intuition, too.
When opinion is stated, the Third Eye Closes.
Richard Rudd
To read my in-depth review of the Starseed Oracle card deck, go here.
Angels and Ancestors

The Angels and Ancestors Oracle deck by Kyle Gray is a more recent deck for me.
I’ve been working with this deck intensively in recent months. I love the earthiness of the artwork combined with the archetypal Earth and Angelic Energies.
Kyle Gray has designed several Angelic card decks that are quite popular. This deck is one of the best oracle cards for intuition because it uses global archetypes and has a rare pattern or suit set.
This deck has more of an Akashic feel. It delves into world culture for guided inspiration and connection with global archetypes.
Unusual card categories
There are four categories of card types: –
- Sacred Ones
- Guardians and Messengers
- Warrior Symbols
- The Four Seasons
I have this picture up on my computer screen (above). I asked the archetypal energies of this deck to guide me in the most helpful ways of being for October.
In the guidebook, each card relays:-
- a main message
- a description of the Guide bringing the message through
- and an extended message related to your situation.
The short messages for these three cards in my card pull were:-
The energies or archetypes suggested were Shapeshifter, Druid, and Shaolin Master.
Shapeshifter – Transform and unveil your gifts
Druid – Hold the space
Shaolin Master – Be graceful in movement and action.
I’m going to continue to work with these beautiful cards (artwork by Lily Moses). The different world archetypes hold a lot of collective wisdom that we can meditate upon.
Meditative card work can help us to understand our unconscious influences and drivers better.
Along with this type of meditative work, our conscious awareness of our inner world begins to expand and this can create more clarity through our intuitive processes.
Interested in having an intuitive reading with me? Check out my page about Akashic Tarot Readings.
Want a recommendation for the most helpful card deck for your reading? Just message me at the client portal to ask.
Spirit Messages

This is a 50-card Spirit Messages card deck by psychic medium John Holland. It has several features within it that help us to expand our intuition.
We can ask for: –
- guidance from and connection with Loved Ones.
- An opportunity to work with Spirit Guides and the Spirit World and to practice that connection.
- Answers around life’s turning points or crossroads.
For a deeper review of this deck with an example reading, go here.
Kryon Oracle Cards

The Kryon Oracle card deck is put together by Lee Carroll, with beautiful illustrations by spiritual artist Deborah De Lisi.
Lee is a prolific author and has over 30 channeled Kryon books published, available in many languages all over the world.
You may know him as the author of The Indigo Children.
He has also written a beautiful book based on the work of Kryon called The Journey Home. I’d highly recommend it.
The Kryon Oracle Card deck connects us to our Higher Self or Intuition through the Akashic Records.
Edgar Cayce (mentioned earlier) believed that to increase our intuition, regular spiritual practice was required to connect to our Higher Self.
He saw channeling the Higher Self as the connection to the Soul, and the focus of effective intuition.
The vibration of this 44-card deck is designed to uplift you and raise your vibration. Another way to help expand our intuition.
To read a more in-depth review of the Kryon Oracle card deck, go here.
I hope you enjoyed my review of the best oracle cards for intuition.
*NEW* Learn a simple and straightforward way of becoming more self-aware with the Success Codex
You might also enjoy this article, How to get the most out of your psychic reading.
Looking for a deck about Relationships? Try the Souls Journey cards review.
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