Category: Energy Psychology and Energy Work

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

thought forms

How Thought Forms are created in your Akashic Records

What are Thought Forms and how do they affect us? This article addresses the energetic nature of Thought Forms.  It discusses how they are formed energetically, and how they interact with our Personal Energy in the Akashic Records. Have you ever noticed this?   When you interact with an idea or thought that resonates with you…
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ego reactions

How to manage ego reactions when accessing your Akashic Records

It can be exciting to start a new spiritual path, often though we don’t realize that ego reactions may cause a few hiccups on the journey.

Many clients who work with the Soul Star Reading are very excited to learn about their energetic blocks and restrictions that are ready for clearing.  They also look forward to working with their personalized 21-day prayer.

Then the ego gets a little concerned, and puts a pause on the proceedings!

Clients might find themselves feeling reluctant to do their clearing work (which only takes a few minutes per day), or feel annoyed, uncertain or even angry about the work.

This isn’t anything to do with the clients’ intention of clearing and healing.  It has a lot more to do with their ego reactions.

Your Chakras and the Akashic Records

Learn more about your Chakras and how to help balance your life working with both your Chakras and the Akashic Records!

This month’s podcasts describes how we can work with our Chakras using a number of different modalities, and how we can help balance our energy and our lives by accessing a to-do list through our Akashic Guides and Spirit Guides.

inherited family trauma

Why Inherited Family Trauma Didn’t Start With You – How To Know

Families can be a difficult subject for some. Many of us have trouble relating to immediate family members, perhaps because of personality clashes or other differences in beliefs and opinions. But what if some of our family trauma is inherited and is generational trauma?

Perhaps we can shed light on some of these patterns inherited from family trauma and begin to heal them? Mark Wolynn’s groundbreaking book ‘It Didn’t Start With You, how inherited family trauma shapes who we are and how to end the cycle’ offers explanations, tools and a learning process to identify these patterns and to begin to clear them from your life.

spiritual cleanse

3 Easy Ways to Perform a Spiritual Cleanse, 3 Situations

Do you use a spiritual cleansing or smudging method as part of your spiritual practice?  There are many different ways to cleanse your aura, your environment or a space you are visiting, even a temporary space.

Ancient civilizations relied on a number of ways to create a spiritual cleanse.  One of the most well-known ways in present times to clear a space is to smudge using burning sage.  Often something is used to direct the smoke over a person or around a space, such as a feather or large leaf.

The energy of a location can also be cleared or cleansed using this smudging method.  If you don’t have sage smudge handy, then sometimes essential oils or energy can be used to create a spiritual cleanse. Here are some hints and tips to help you get the most from using spiritual cleansing work.


A new way to think about walk-ins

What is a walk-in? This article explains the spiritual concept of a walk-in, what a walk-in is, and what it is not. Often people who believe they are walk-ins are subject to another soul level agreement called soul-shifting. Read this post to learn more.

positive energy

Add more positive energy to your day

It’s possible to create positive energy with small acts of kindness, sometimes canceling or clearing negative energy in the process. From paying a library fine to buying coffee, we can make the day run more smoothly for others, creating a positive energy bubble of synchronicity for ourselves too.

bold moves

Make some Bold Moves with Oprah’s new app

If you like playing Bejeweled or Candy Crush, then you may enjoy this new app – Bold Moves – from Oprah with a spiritual approach, using tools to build quotes and work through levels such as Aspirations, Relationships and Gratitude. Enjoy!

gift of energy

Give your dog the gift of energy

Have you ever thought about giving your dog the gift of energy? Dogs have electromagnetic fields too and can sense your emotions and energy. You can use this energetic connection to direct, lead and teach your dog and create a loving and long lasting bond. It’s a gift!

Leaving a legacy as a spiritual parent

Leaving a legacy – world events After this weekend’s sad news about the terrorist attacks in Paris, I’m sure many people’s minds turn to the apparent shortness of life and how quickly our lives can be taken away from us by apparently random events or illness of some kind. This weekend I was blessed to…
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causal body

How To Help Ourselves Heal Through The Causal Body

What is the Causal Body? It’s the part of our Personal Energy field that links the adult human to its’ childhood Self. The more connected we are through our adult and inner child aspects, the more complete and whole we will be as a human expression of our Divine Nature.

This post discusses some ways in which we can improve the energetic quality of the Causal Energy body. Heidi Sawyer’s book Highly Intuitive People is a great help in this process. Heidi’s book has been at the top of the list in its’ category on Amazon for over 10 years now.

emf balancing technique

How the EMF Balancing Technique can help us to heal even in transition

How working with the human electromagnetic field can give Loved Ones comfort during their transition.