Category: Energy Psychology and Energy Work

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

energy vampires

Energy vampires really do exist

Energy Vampires – do they exist? We’ve all heard about those people that drain us or bring us down…just by being in the room.  I believe that some people can engage in vampiric energy behavior without even knowing it – and others do it with conscious intent.  Either way, I do believe in energy vampires.…
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E3 (ECubed) and 9 more energy experiments – interesting!

I’m currently working through E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig by Pam Grout and I’m finding some of the outcomes fascinating.If you haven’t heard of E3 (ECubed) or E2 for that matter, they are both books which help us to understand how to put modern quantum energy awareness, the laws of manifestation and the Law of Attraction into practice in some very simple ways.

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

personal energy

Personal Energy – a surreal experience

Personal Energy – a surreal experience As a Brit abroad on the Kansas Prairie, I am currently a Permanent Resident of the United States…meaning that I need a Green Card. Last week was time for my first renewal, so after some online paperwork and fees I headed to my local USCIS office in Wichita, KS…
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energy session

How to know when you’ve had a really good energy session or spiritual reading

Why do people have an energy session or spiritual reading? Here are some reasons.


Energetic Projection as a lesson taught by my daughter

What is energetic projection? We like to create our own pictures of reality and paste them over other people – that’s essentially it! My daughter reminds me that I am not immune to doing this just because I work with energy.

root chakra

How to feel the root chakra

Chakras – how to feel the root chakra We are taught a lot about chakras in spiritual transcripts and through energy work,even yoga. How though can we really feel and connect with a chakra? If you are hoping for chakra openings and connections then one good way to get started is to learn to feel…
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family pathology

Interrupt the pattern with your family – change family pathology in one generation

Family pathology and ancestral patterns Driving my girls home recently, I found myself in a place where they were asking me lots of questions about my mum’s life. While telling them her story I began to realize how many ancestral patterns can be changed and have shifted for the better during this one generation and…
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Parenting and mothering with missing pieces on the Spiritual Journey

Did you receive all the mothering you needed as a child? How do you know? Is there something missing for you? During a recent episode of Iyanla Vanzant’s SuperSoulSunday series Fix My Life, I watched Iyanla coach a young woman who is a product of our time. Erica Jean made herself available as the occasional…
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Using Affirmations

Do You Know How To Use Affirmations? Learn From These Simple Tips

This post gathers together a few different approaches to working with affirmations and refers to two different books on the subject, Louise Hay’s excellent ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, and Amy Ahlers ‘Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves’.

Also, read on to discover the most powerful affirmation ever created!

Wicked Wednesday

Wicked Wednesday – Discount Others Emotions Once, Discounting Others Emotions Twice: Why We Shouldn’t Discount Others Emotions Thrice

It’s Wicked Wednesday! Introducing a new blog theme where I discuss all the things we wish we didn’t do, shouldn’t do (but may have done anyway) on the Spiritual Journey…and offer some tools for the road.  Nobody ever said the Spiritual Journey was easy. This week’s Wicked Wednesday Theme – discounting other people’s emotions Have…
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Have You Been Slimed By Energy? How To Know And What To Do

Got slime? Sometimes we can tell when others are tuning into our light or vibration and are taking from us rather than source. This blog post, PDF and podcast from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey will help you de-slime.

Using affirmations

Writing affirmations for 7 days | Iyanla Vanzant’s I am exercise and the benefits of written affirmations

Using Affirmations – written Affirmation 7 day exercise I recently completed an exercise where I wrote 40 affirmations per day for 7 days. All affirmations needed to be written in the positive frame and start with the words ‘I am’. This suggested exercise came from Iyanla Vanzant’s excellent Stimu-Mail series.   Writing Affirmations – 40…
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